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Mosleh Group

shipping serviceTel.: (002) 066 33 20 850
  • MOSLEH group
    Your Lable Guide
    In The Egyption Ports!
    All Mosleh Group Companies
    Are Associated Members In

    port said champer of shipping
    international ship suppliers association
    international marine purchasing association
    ship supply committee,portsaid champer of commerce
    ship supply registry

Mosleh Group History

The first company in group is Hardy Ship Suppliers “Egypt” established in 1982 as a General Ship Supply Company serving all Egyptian Ports. As an representative to Hardy Ship Suppliers Ltd., Piraeus, Greece
In 1986 we built our own transit warehouse inside custom area at Port Said, Warehouse built on 500 Square Meters
Team work success lead to be the Sole agent for ropes, Tank Cleaning Machines & Hatch Cover Tapes all stocks held in our Transit warehouse
In 1999 we established the second company Mosleh Shipping Services Co., to act as a shipping agency company to act as an agent and to manage the charge and discharge operations
In 2006 we added Logistics (International Transport & Freight forwarder) to our activity
and thanks to Good that our company is the Sole Agent for MSE Container Line

Mr. Saad Mosleh

He had Bachelor of Commerce Account Department from Alexandria University, & used to work with Geo. A Hardy (Ship Supply Company in the Egyptian Ports) company established in Egypt since 1947,
After President Nasser Nationalization in 1965, Mr Saad Mosleh Joined The Egyptian Marine Supply & Contracting (CONSUP). While the Owners of Hardy Establish a company in Greece with a new name of Hardy Ship Suppliers Ltd., Piraeus, Greece. In 1976 Joined Cray Mackenzie Co., (which is contracted with Jeddah Port At Saudi Arabia to Solve overstock problem in Jeddah Port) In 1978 Joined National Bank Of Abu Dhabi as a Manager for Warehouses in Investment area at Port Said Egypt In February 1982, his age became 60 years old and retired from National Bank of Abu Dhabi and he decided to build his own business with his son & Family specially that he still have a good connection with Hardy ‘s Owners in Greece In 7th February 2009 he dead after a long life with efforts and success we ask God to bless him as we never forget him and his efforts to build this group of companies

our offices

our team