It is recorded that Egypt was the first country to dig a canal across its land with a view to activate world trade.
The first canal was dug under the reign of SENA USRET III, Pharaoh of Egypt (1887-1849 BC) linking the Mediterranean Sea in the north with the Red sea in the south via the river Nile and its branches.
The Canal was successfully reopened to navigation by SITY I (1310 BC), NKHAW (610 BC), Persian King DARIUSSLI POLEMY II (285 BC), Emperor TRAJAN (117 AD) and AMRO IBN ELASS, following the Islamic conquest.
Excavation of the present Canal begun on April 25, 1859 and was opened for international navigation on November 17, 1869. The Canal has been closed five times.
The longest period of closure was following the 1967 war, when the canal was closed during 8 years. The Canal was reopened for navigation on June 5, 1975.
Total Length of the navigable canal 192 KM
From Port Said to Ismailia 78 KM
From Ismailia to Port Tewfik 84 KM
Double parts of the canal 84 KM
Breadth between buoys 180 M
Maximum possible draft of ships 58 FT 68 M